The House of Ride Nature: More Than Surfing and Skating

by | Sep 13, 2024 | Business Reviews | 0 comments

 The headline there’s an understatement. But at first glance, what you’re looking at with the House of Ride Nature in Cape Coral, FL, is simply a retail store catering to the community enjoying everything from skateboards to surfboards and more, but not without touching on some of the finer things, like coffee products, clothing and accessories. The reality is the House of Ride Nature is so much more!

The House of Ride Nature is the headquarters of a much larger organization

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A nonprofit, in fact. An establishment for the House of God known as Ride Nature, focusing on bringing those to Christ who enjoy the outdoor sports we all thrill at, such as of course skating and surfing! Among other things, too. But tying into the thrill of action sports in that manner with that sense of who God is, why He is who He is, and our place in the world, is refreshing to think about when at the end of the day, sometimes it’s just showing someone how to do an ollie!

The point is leading beyond that, but you get the idea. 

Yes, indeed, the vision behind the House of Ride Nature is a way to secure financial stability for the nonprofit while also giving a home away from home to those who’re being mentored and discipled to. What’s cool is they even have a skate park! So at the end of the day, not only are you shopping at times, but you’re also chilling with your friends, drinking some jo, working the halfpipe, and maybe even cleaning up your surfboard as the water’s only a hop, skip, and a jump away.

Patrons need to understand that when buying something like kneepads here does something phenomenal. The proceeds go to investing into the lives of the community the House of Ride Nature serves. And serves well. And not just in Cape Coral, Florida either.

Under the umbrella of the nonprofit, the work done isn’t just local, but international. The mission? To empower global leaders with the resources they need to leverage action sports as a vehicle for outreach, evangelism, and discipleship.

Can’t argue with that!

Especially when we put the community and lifestyle onto a focus that is solely about the Spirit!

The House of Ride Nature is located on 2464 2nd St. in Fort Myers, FL, 33901. Check them out at There’s even a second location in Nicaragua. It’s, rightly so, called La Casa de Ride Nature!

Ay caramba!

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