3 Top Coffee Shops in Cape Coral, Florida (That’ll Pep You Up)

by | Sep 16, 2024 | Collections | 0 comments

For those who aren’t fond of caffeination of the “dark side,” (by dark, we don’t mean Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, or Coca-Cola), we only have one thing to say:

Everyone in Cape Coral loves coffee. Period.

We, of course, aren’t implying you could be anyone, and you’ll automatically love the bitter-black and murky roasts without even a shred of sugar. Oh, no, no, no. We simply elaborate that there’s so much more about coffee than just the bitter and black. Step into a Starbucks, and that should be pretty plain (well, not ‘plain’ as you’ll notice these cups of jo are works of art!). Not to mention you can enjoy that cup of coffee with the best baked goods and breakfast items your money can buy. And to think — that’s in Cape Coral, FL! Who knew coffee was that big of a thing here?

That’s right — we did.

And here are three of the best Cape Coral coffee houses in Florida:

Just three, though. There are so many more out there. But you start somewhere. And we can definitely agree: this is arguably the best start (to your day!).

#1: Summer Moon Coffee

Summer Moon Coffee-1

We got to start the list off with a bang on a coffee house that just might blow your mind. You might even think this isn’t actually coffee when you hear about this thing called “moon milk.”

#2: Urban Buzz Coffee

Urban Buzz Coffee-1

Buzzing around in number two here (although this list isn’t in any particular order, so don’t think Summer Moon has this coffee shop beat) is a veritable speakeasy of slow-brewed olfactory emanations of paradise. Take our word for it. You’ll have to try their sting’rs.

#3: Shift Coffee Bar

Shift Coffee Bar-1

In a way, we are saving the best for last (not necessarily in terms of quality as in our humble opinion, these three are all on the same level!). Why? The Shift Coffee Bar does something with coffee none of us have seen before, well, anywhere, really. We’re not even talking strictly about Cape Coral. Let’s just say the coffee here at the ‘Shift’ can ‘come to you’.

Now don’t you feel those beans working their magic?

Oh, wait — you haven’t had any coffee, yet. Then why are you still reading this? Get off the computer or your phone and head to one of these coffee houses in Cape Coral, Florida, right now! Stuff’s brewing. Let’s get your pep prepped.



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